Disaster Prep and Recovery
One of the major capabilities of unmanned and autonomous systems is their use in dull, dangerous, and dirty environments reducing risk to persons. These systems are a natural fit for use in preparation and response to both manmade and natural disasters. Unmanned systems, however, must be integrated with other manned systems and humans in providing increasing situational awareness and capabilities to safe lives and reduce loss of property.
ASSURE has been working with first responders, emergency management agencies, and regulators at the local, state, federal, and tribal levels to develop the regulations, guidelines, standards, data sharing, command and control, and other best operating practices through thorough surveying, exercises, and the development of education, training, and testing programs.
Related Insights
- ASSURE is looking for a new Associate director for ASSUREd Safe.
- ASSURE Research Partner, K-State Salina Selected to Once More Support National UAS Prize Competition
- ASSURE Research Partner, UAH, has Two Research Centers with Roles in New $360 Million National Water Alliance
- ASSURE’s Lead University, Mississippi State and Research Partner Kansas State University Conduct First Responders U.A.S. Triple Challenge
- ASSURE’s Lead, Mississippi State, Marked Another Milestone in the University’s History of Innovation in Aviation
- ASSUREuas, research partner, Raspet Flight Research Lab at Mississippi State University hosted an ASSUREdSafe training exercise for area first responders
- Embry-Riddle, an ASSURE Research University, and AIRT Partner to Study Public Safety and Emergency Services Use of Drones
- Mississippi State University, ASSURE’s Lead University and Kansas State University Partner to Lead First Responder UAS Competition
- NBC5 features ASSURE’S research partnership with University of Vermont and how they are teaching first responders how drones can benefit their jobs
- Reuters’ Story Highlights How ASSURE, WiBotic and University of Montana Collaborate to Upgrade UAS Battery Power, Recharging Technology to Use Drones to Help Fight Wildfires
- University of Alabama to lead NOAA institute to advance water and flood prediction—will use ASSURE Partner UAH Research Centers for UAS and IT Expertise
- Via New England Cable News aka NECN, ‘The University of Vermont partnering to conduct national research for drone use in emergencies’
- Via VermontBiz.com, ‘First responders take flight with FEMA—Federal Emergency Management Agency—funded drone training program at the University of Vermont’
- Via WAMC Northeast Public Radio, ‘Drone training for first responders at the University of Vermont’
ASSURE Advantages
ASSURE allows industry and government agencies direct access to the capabilities and expertise of our partner universities and their researchers worldwide. The skills, abilities, and experience housed within ASSURE are critical to the success of our mission and the mission of our many partnering entities. The ASSURE organization is passionate about quality and meaningful research that safely and efficiently brings UAS into the National Airspace. If you see a topic area you would like to know more about please contact us directly for more information.
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